Ultimate skincare tips for stretch marks and overall youthful look

Hey there! There are certain things you should not be doing to your skin one of such is applying thinning creams to certain areas of your body.

You should also know that even if you use mosturizing creams, certain areas of your body needs more more mosturizing and it’s not getting enough, so while certain parts of your body appears mosturized, some other parts will not be as mosturized and develop wrinkles. This is because some skin areas are thinner than others and so they all deserve different treatments to get the best of your skin and for an overall younger looking skin. Be sure to check my YouTube ( https://youtube.com/channel/UC2VO1ymR1rRh9tArfO5qbAQ ) for the video demonstration of these areas that need extra care and how to go about it.

Starting from the top we have

1) The eye area; it’s pretty obvious that the skin around the eyes are really thin and will wrinkle easily, applying a thin layer of shea butter overnight will give you a refreshed, plump, full, beautiful skin in the morning, you’ll definitely notice a difference you’ll love, so add Shea butter in your routine if you haven’t already. Check my YouTube for video demonstration.

2) Smile line; the smile line is very obvious on some people than others, what you can do however, is to apply a thin layer over them, this is not necessary if you’ll break out, but doing this will definitely improve the appearance of smile line and wrinkles in general. Refer to the YouTube video for video demonstration

3) The neck; the neck has an a very thin (beautiful I must add) layer of muscle called the platysma. One of the sure signs of aging is the wrinkling of the neck, the skin around your neck however doesn’t necessarily wait for you to get old before wrinkling, once the neck is not well hydrated, it starts to wrinkle. So get your Shea butter, and take my advice: NEVER LET YOUR NECK GET DRY.

4) Breasts; NEVER apply any thinning cream on your breasts, not only will these creams sag your breasts, they’ll give you horrible strech marks, guard and protect your breasts by applying a thick layer of Shea butter around them while massaging them. Do this for about two weeks, I’ll be here when you share your testimony because you definitely will have a testimony.

5) Underarm area; This area is prone to wear because of how flexible the joint is, it is one of the most flexible joints in the body making it easy to stretch that’s why a lot of people get strech marks there. One thing you can do to reduce the appearance of stretch marks over time or completely prevent them is to apply a thick layer of Shea butter around your armpits. You’ll notice an overall improvement over time. ( https://youtube.com/channel/UC2VO1ymR1rRh9tArfO5qbAQ ).

6) Buttock; Adding extra thick layer to your butt is important, we spend a lot of time sitting on them, because of the constant friction, they tend to develop rashes and itch, a thick layer of Shea butter and some damatol will have your butt feeling smooth and extremely soft again.

YouTube; I’ll be making a video demonstration of all these tips and share extra skin care tips . Be sure to check them out. Leave your comments below, I’ll love to hear from you. https://youtube.com/channel/UC2VO1ymR1rRh9tArfO5qbAQ

Follow my Instagram @happy__juliet

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Take care, stay mosturized and stay happy 😊.

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